"Grand Awards" -- Combined Results
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Alexander Katz Jacob Klegar Zhao Li Patrick Hompe Michael Kural Jonathan Yu Jason Ai Henrik Boecken JinOh Jeong Ryan Alweiss |
The Handwavers 1 sonnhard I'm tall sonnhard sonnhard The Handwavers 1 I'm tall I'm short The Handwavers 2 The Handwavers 1 |
Test Site
Columbia University Columbia University University of Florida Columbia University Columbia University Columbia University University of Florida University of Florida Columbia University Columbia University |
Columbia University "Top 5"
1 2 3 4 5 |
Alexander Katz Jacob Klegar Patrick Hompe Michael Kural Jonathan Yu |
Bergen County Academies Connecticut team Connecticut team Connecticut team Bergen County Academies |
University of Florida "Top 5"
1 2 3 4 5 |
Zhao Li Jason Ai Henrik Boecken Ellen Li Vincent Mei |
Buchholz High School Buchholz High School Buchholz High School Buchholz High School Buchholz High School |
Results Summary
Over 100 competitors participated in the events. The mean individual score was 4.178, the standard deviation was 2.861, and the median was 3. The scores ranged from 1 to 11, and the top individual scores were 8 or higher. Ties were broken based on results of the tiebreaker proof-based round. Grading for that test was standardized by the grading committee. A graphical display of individual results is below.